Ghislaine Maxwell accuser says she saw photos of her ‘nude and pregnant’

One of Ghislaine Maxwell’s accusers claimed she once saw a photo of the British socialite “nude and pregnant” inside of Jeffrey Epstein’s Florida mansion.

The woman, who testified using only her first name, Carolyn, was asked by defense attorneys at Maxwell’s federal sex-trafficking trial in Manhattan about statements she’d previously made to prosecutors.

“One of your memories about Ms. Maxwell is you claim that you saw a photograph of her in Epstein’s house, pregnant. Correct?” lawyer Jeffrey Pagliuca asked Tuesday, referring to Epstein’s Palm Beach estate.

“Nude and pregnant laying on the –” Carolyn began to respond — at which point Pagliuca interjected, “And pregnant.”

“Yes. There was multiple pictures, nude photos,” the witness replied after a pause.

Pagliuca then approached Carolyn with a photo, entered as a defense exhibit, that was not shown publicly in court.

One of Ghislaine Maxwell's accusers came forward said they saw photos of the British socialite "naked and pregnant" at Jeffrey Epstein's Florida home.
One of Ghislaine Maxwell’s accusers came forward said they saw photos of the British socialite “naked and pregnant” at Jeffrey Epstein’s Florida home.
US District Court for the Southe

“That is not the photo,” the witness stated.

The brief exchange came at the end of a grueling cross-examination of Carolyn by Pagliuca, who confronted her over apparent inconsistencies in her court testimony and previous statements to law enforcement and in depositions.

It came after Maxwell’s defense team asked a previous witness if he had ever seen Epstein’s alleged madam pregnant.

Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly never had children nor did anyone at Jeffrey Epstein's mansion ever report her being pregnant.
Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly never had children nor did anyone at Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion ever report her being pregnant.
US District Court for the Southe

Longtime Epstein pilot Larry Visoski, who regularly interacted with Maxwell for about 15 years from the early 1990s to the mid-2000s, said he’d never known her to be pregnant.

“Now, in that whole time period, Ghislaine never appeared to you to be pregnant, did she?” Maxwell attorney Christian Everdell asked.

“No, not at all,” Visoski replied.

Carolyn alleged, Maxwell came into the massage room while the teenager was naked, groped her and told her she "had a great body for Mr. Epstein and his friends."
Carolyn alleged, Maxwell came into the massage room while the teenager was naked, groped her and told her she “had a great body for Mr. Epstein and his friends.”
US District Court for the Southe

Everdell asked: “No one ever told you she was pregnant?” to which the pilot responded, “No, never said that.”

“And you never saw any pictures of her pregnant at any of the residences?” the attorney continued.

“No, I did not,” answered Visoski, who was the first witness to testify.

Maxwell is not known to have any children. Evidence that has emerged at trial suggests she and Epstein were romantically involved for years.

Carolyn, who took the stand more than a week later, told the jury how she was introduced to Epstein and Maxwell at the dead sex offender’s Palm Beach home in the early 2000s, when she was just 14 years old.

She testified that Epstein abused her during so-called massage sessions “over 100″ times at the estate over the next few years, until she turned 18 and realized she was “too old” for the creep.

On one occasion, Carolyn alleged, Maxwell came into the massage room while the teenager was naked, groped her and told her she “had a great body for Mr. Epstein and his friends.”

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The witness, who broke down several times while testifying, said she eventually became addicted to cocaine and pain pills during the years she was at the Epstein house.

“My soul is broken and so is my heart” as a result of Maxwell’s alleged actions, she said.

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