ICJ-Kenya names DPP Noordin Haji Jurist of the Year » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 11- Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji has been named Jurist of the Year by the Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists, ICJ-Kenya.

ICJ Kenya cited Haji’s commitment in championing access to justice through enhancing community forums and dialogues.

“In the spirit of promoting transparency and accountability, our Jurist has ensured the ODPP is more easily accessible to the public by facilitating access to information through various communications strategies,” ICJ-Kenya noted.

The body of jurists further noted the continued roll out the ODPP Café, a weekly show live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), as an example of measures Haji has taken to educate and engage the public on the mandate of the ODPP, matters such as plea-bargaining, diversion, the decision to charge, ODPP policies, human rights, and juvenile justice, among others.

The DPP’s transformative approach, courage in defending the voiceless, and humility in his service have played a pivotal role in restoring faith in the ODPP and the criminal justice sector were also read out in the Award citation.

“Despite several storms that have emerged during his tenure, our Jurist has remained steadfast and continued to work beyond his call of duty to protect the integrity and independence of the ODPP as prescribed in the Constitution 2010 and provide quality prosecution services to all.”

“Our Jurist has demonstrated and exemplified commitment and ability to remain relentless with zeal and zest, thus ensuring to leave a positive and equally indelible mark in the criminal justice sector,” stated the non-governmental organization with the mission of promoting human rights, justice, and democracy.

ICJ-Kenya applauded Haji for launching of the Standard Operating Procedure Manual and Rapid Reference Guide on Prosecution of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) cases which contributed to the global rallying call to ending Gender-Based Violence within the 16 Days of Activism.

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The Jurist of the Year Award is an annual award that seeks to recognize, acknowledge and encourage jurists who have consistently, fearlessly, and impartially promoted the rule of law and human rights in Kenya.

The award is given out on December 10, each year since 1993, to commemorate and honour the United Nations International Human Rights Day.

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